

Club Information

Club Overview

Company nameTOKYO VERDY ,Inc.
Club Address4015-1, Yanokuchi, Inagi-shi, Tokyo, Japan, 206-0812
TEL : 03-3512-1969
Club house installed with 2 pitches and 2 artificial pitches
Team NameTokyo Verdy 1969
Name Known AsTokyo Verdy
Home TownTokyo
Home StadiumAjinomoto Stadium (Chofu City)
Origin of team nameCoined from the Portuguese "VERDE" meaning "green"
Club ColorGreen

Club Emblem

Club Emblem

Club Mascot

Club MascotReverun

Main Business

  • ・Management and operation of amateur and professional soccer teams and various sports activities.
  • ・Development of soccer and various sports players, and coaches.
  • ・Managing soccer schools and various types of sports schools, and organizing different types of sports classes.


"Nurturing talent who can shine on the world stage."

Focusing on the potential of children who hold the key to the next generation, nurturing talent with diverse personalities.
Contribute to the creation of a prosperous society by producing unique talent such as athletes and instructors in the field of sports, as well as in various fields such as academics, arts, and business.


"Towards being the world’s No. 1 comprehensive club."

From the capital of "TOKYO," we will create a team that can compete in the world's top level and take the lead in improving Japan’s domestic competitiveness and expansion of its range. As a symbol of the diversity represented by “TOKYO,” we will create a new comprehensive club model and transmit it to the world.

VALUE [1-4] Core Values

1. PIONEER: Be the pioneer

Always take on new challenges as the pioneer beyond the boundaries of the past or common sense.

2. AMBITION: Proceed with ambition

Come up with a big and exciting dream which entices you and take action to realize it.

3. DIVERSITY: Seek diversity

Constantly seek diverse values with an open mind and keep evolving.

4. SUSTAINABILITY: Sustainability awareness

Aim for continuous growth and development with a medium to long-term perspective.

Organization Chart

"Since the club was founded, we have established consistent techinical training for the first team to be at the top.
We have made daily efforts to promote and establish soccer culture."

AcademyTokyo Verdy Youth
Tokyo Verdy Jr. Youth
Tokyo Verdy Jr.
Branch OfficeVerdy S.S Iwate
Verdy S.S Koyama
Verdy S.S Leste
Verdy S.S Ajunt
Verdy S.S Sagamihara
F.C Verdure Mishima
Wings S.C
S.S Cantera


Stadium NameAjinomoto Stadium
Address182-0032, 376-3 Nishimachi, Chofu-shi, Tokyo-to, Japan
Telephone Number+81-42-440-0555
Access Access by train 5 minutes walk from “Tobitakyu (AJINOMOTO STADIUM) Station", Keio Line. 20 minutes walk from “Tama Station", Seibu Tamagawa Line.
*On the day of the match, there is a designated semi express train schedule via “Tobitakyu Station", Keio Line.The exact time schedule for the designated semi express will be announced before the day on “Next Game Info". Access by bus 20 minutes by bus from “Musashi-Sakai Station", JR Chuo Line, south gate #3, get off at “Oginohara-Jutaku” and walk for 5 minutes. 25 minutes by bus from “Musashi-Koganei Station", JR Chuo Line, north gate #7, get off at “Oginohara-Jutaku” and walk for 5 minutes. 25 minutes by bus from “Komae Station", Odakyu Line, north gate #1, get off at “Oginohara-Jutaku” then walk for 5 minutes. There is no parking available around the stadium. Please use public transportation. Access by car Designated car parking available at north side of stadium. On the day of the home game, first come first served available, limited to first 100 (fee-charged).